2024-25 Course Selection

Course Selection for all grades was completed in Skyward at the school this year in January.

If you missed Course Selection dates, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Click the appropriate grade button below to see the courses you can choose from for next year.  You can print these sheets and use them as a worksheet to make your selections. Descriptions of the courses are on our website. You can scan the QR codes on the card to find them.
  2. Come into the school office and transfer your class selections onto an official cardstock Course Selection Card and turn it in so we can build a schedule for you with the help of the  information you provided on the card. 
  3. If you have additional questions please contact our Student Services Department at 801-412-2800 -option 2

For instructions for filling out your Course Selection card click here .

Please Note:  You must turn in an official cardstock Course Selection card to complete Course Selection. Teacher staffing decisions are made based on these requests, so please choose classes that you can live with. Once Course Selection has been completed, schedule changes will only be made based on school and academic needs. 

Option for Virtual Learning

Jordan School District is pleased to continue offering virtual instruction through Kelsey Peak Middle School (Grades 7-8) and Kings Peak High School (Grades 9-12). This can be for students taking all or some of their classes in a virtual format. If you would like to explore this option, please visit connect.jordandistrict.org.

Requirement & Electives


Honors Classes

Students and parents are allowed to choose to be placed in an Honors class without an application. Please be aware that Honors classes require a higher level of work and excellent classroom behavior and citizenship. If you have a question about what would be appropriate for your student, your student’s current teacher(s) may advise on which class your student is best prepared for. 

7th Grade Math Classes

For more information between Math 7 and Math 7H, please see the course descriptions page.  Exceptional math students may take a placement test to see if enrolling in Math 8 Honors would be appropriate. This is usually only about 3-5% of the students. 

Tests will be administered at:

  • Eastlake – March 13th during school

  • Elk Meadows – March 13th during school

  • Welby  – March 13th during school

  • Terra Linda – March 14th during school

  • Jordan Hills (ALPS only) – during school

If your student would like to test, but does not attend one of the schools listed above, they can be tested at Elk Ridge April 19th at 2:30 in our media center. There is no need to register, just show up and check in in the main office.  

The test will last approximately one hour. Results will be available in the fall when schedules are finalized. 

Students can otherwise self-select which class between 7th Math or 7th Math Honors they feel they would best fit into.

7th and 8th Grade Reading Classes

Reading proficiency scores from your student’s prior year teacher will determine if they will be placed into a Reading class. If there isn’t sufficient data to determine placement, they will be placed into Reading until they can demonstrate proficiency. If your student feels they have improved enough to be proficient, they can test with our Reading teachers. Testing will be held on a date to be announced. Students will check in at the front office. The test lasts approximately 30 minutes. Students do not need to pre-register for the test.  

Required Immunizations (7th Grade)

All incoming 7th graders will need to have had a Tdap vaccine, a second dose of Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine. Although the Covid-19 vaccine is not required, it is recommended that students also be vaccinated for Covid-19.

Updated documentation of all required immunizations or an updated exemption waiver/certificate for your student must be turned in to the Counseling Center before August. If your student has had all required immunizations, or you are claiming an exemption, you may mail a copy to us or bring a copy to the main office at Elk Ridge. Alternatively, you can send a copy to our registrar.

Please do not delay in having these immunizations administered as it is a State of Utah requirement, Section 53A-11-303, and is necessary for students to be able to attend school. If you are claiming an exemption for vaccines that are required for school entry, contact the registrar for instructions.

We’re Here to Help

The course selection/pre-registration process is a crucial step in getting set up for the coming school year, and we want to help you navigate the process. Please reach out to our counseling team with any questions or suggestions.

Mrs. Alishia Huefner (last names A-C)

Ms. Camille Francis (last names D-J)

Mrs. Jessica Otero (last names K-Q)

Mr. Paul Bennett (last names R-Z)

Counseling Center Phone: 801-412-2800 (option 2)