Staff Directory

Teacher Directory by Department

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Photo of Danielle Hanson Danielle Hanson Assistant Principal, A-J School Sports Liaison
Photo of Brandon Larsen Brandon Larsen Assistant Principal, K-Z
Photo of Bryan Leggat Bryan Leggat Principal

Counseling Center

Photo of Julie Balhorn Julie Balhorn Counselor, A-C
Photo of Paul Bennett Paul Bennett Counselor, R-Z
Photo of Heatherlee Benson Heatherlee Benson Clinical Support Specialist
Photo of Lynda Day Lynda Day Counseling Office Assistant
Photo of Camille Francis Camille Francis Lead Counselor, D-J
Photo of Kamie Logan Kamie Logan K-Q
Photo of Corinna Magleby Corinna Magleby Registrar
Photo of Paige Mesui Paige Mesui Psychologist
Photo of Julie Williams Julie Williams Counseling Office Assistant


Photo of Lindsey Alexander Lindsey Alexander Language Arts
Photo of Steven Asp Steven Asp C.T.E.
Photo of Andrea Baraybar Andrea Baraybar Spanish
Photo of Kylee Berger (Reever) Kylee Berger (Reever) Ceramics & Art
Photo of Vynessa Campos Vynessa Campos Science
Photo of William Carrington William Carrington Social Studies
Photo of Alan Christensen Alan Christensen Langauge Arts
Photo of Ron Christensen Ron Christensen Science
Photo of Rebecca Coates Rebecca Coates Media Center Specialist
Photo of Tim Cordova Tim Cordova Language Arts
Photo of Emily Dayton Emily Dayton Math
Photo of Amanda Doty Amanda Doty Math
Photo of Rochelle Erb Rochelle Erb C.T.E.
Photo of Kathleen Frandsen Kathleen Frandsen Math
Photo of Alicia Giove Alicia Giove Dance & Yoga
Photo of Keith Goodrich Keith Goodrich Choir
Photo of Emma Heinz Emma Heinz Speech & Language
Photo of Ross Klvacek Ross Klvacek Science
Photo of Josie Larsen Josie Larsen C.T.E.
Photo of Jonathan Lawes Jonathan Lawes Math
Photo of Olivia Luce Olivia Luce Health
Photo of Christopher Lyon Christopher Lyon Band
Photo of Amanda Mair Amanda Mair Special Education
Photo of Mollie Marie Mollie Marie Art & Drawing
Photo of Nicole McDermott Nicole McDermott Orchestra
Photo of Kyle McKim Kyle McKim Language Arts
Photo of Kelly Melrose Kelly Melrose Science
Photo of Mari Morgan Mari Morgan C.T.E.
Photo of Lori Moser Lori Moser C.T.E.
Photo of Laura Myers Laura Myers Special Education
Photo of Laura Nelson Laura Nelson Math
Photo of Caroldean Neves Caroldean Neves Science
Photo of Zadie Obray Zadie Obray Social Studies
Photo of Sheila Olschewski Sheila Olschewski Math
Photo of Elise Orgill Elise Orgill Language Arts
Photo of Robynn Peterson Robynn Peterson Special Education
Photo of Steve Pollock Steve Pollock Health & PE
Photo of Marni Puzey Marni Puzey P.E.
Photo of Megan Rees Megan Rees C.T.E.
Photo of Mark Rogers Mark Rogers Science
Photo of Aaron Saxton Aaron Saxton Social Studies
Photo of Brynn Spitzer Brynn Spitzer Math
Photo of AJ Steele AJ Steele Social Studies
Photo of Monica Taylor Monica Taylor Language Arts
Photo of Elisabeth Thomas Elisabeth Thomas Langauge Arts
Photo of Heather Toponce Heather Toponce Math
Photo of Christie Urquijo Christie Urquijo Social Studies
Photo of Oscar Vasquez Oscar Vasquez Spanish
Photo of JJ Vuki JJ Vuki Theatre
Photo of Sydney Watts Sydney Watts Language Arts
Photo of Tricia Weedon Tricia Weedon Special Education
Photo of Marsha Wilcock Marsha Wilcock Math
Photo of Rebecca Williams Rebecca Williams Language Arts
Photo of Jannifer Young Jannifer Young Language Arts

Main Office

Photo of Illa Hernandez Illa Hernandez Information Technology
Photo of Tonya Holmes Tonya Holmes Campus Monitor
Photo of Denelle Jacobson Denelle Jacobson Part Time Hall Monitor/ Gaming Club Advisor
Photo of Angela Johnson Angela Johnson Attendance Office
Photo of Jen LaMont Jen LaMont Main Office
Photo of Corinna Magleby Corinna Magleby Registrar
Photo of Kriston McDonald Kriston McDonald Attendance Secretary
Photo of Chelsey Pattison Chelsey Pattison Office Aide
Photo of Det. Daniel Peterson Det. Daniel Peterson Resource Officer
Photo of Kristine Weldon Kristine Weldon Main Office
Photo of Angela Whitney Angela Whitney Head Secretary
Photo of Kelly Williams Kelly Williams Attendance Office

Instructional Aides

Photo of Brianna Gansauge Brianna Gansauge SPED Aide
Photo of Hallie Hansen Hallie Hansen SPED Aide
Photo of Lisa Hogan Lisa Hogan Math Aide
Photo of Krystyee Horton Krystyee Horton SPED Aide
Photo of Brent Kartchner Brent Kartchner Math Aide
Photo of Nathan Lyman Nathan Lyman SPED Aide
Photo of Kolene McMurdie Kolene McMurdie SPED Aide
Photo of Alina Mower Alina Mower Accompanist
Photo of Ameliah Nickels Ameliah Nickels SPED Aide
Photo of Heidi Olsen Heidi Olsen Media Aide
Photo of Nisia Payne Nisia Payne SPED Aide
Photo of Monica Ridge Monica Ridge SPED Aide
Photo of Mary Roberts Mary Roberts Copy Center Aide


Photo of Beatriz Carrillo Beatriz Carrillo Custodian
Photo of Medina Franco Medina Franco Custodian
Photo of Kenneth Naylor Kenneth Naylor Head Custodian
Photo of Marcie Saville Marcie Saville Custodial Lead


Photo of Rachel Butler Rachel Butler Cafeteria
Photo of Alisha Butterfield Alisha Butterfield Cafeteria
Photo of Natalie Christensen Natalie Christensen Cafeteria
Photo of Tammy Draper Tammy Draper Cafeteria
Photo of Kristine Egbert Kristine Egbert Cafeteria
Photo of Jonell Goates Jonell Goates Cafeteria
Photo of Donnie Jordan Donnie Jordan Cafeteria
Photo of Natalie Lyman Natalie Lyman Cafeteria
Photo of Jennifer Mullennax Jennifer Mullennax Cafeteria
Photo of Becky Nicholson Becky Nicholson Cafeteria
Photo of Valerie Richardson Valerie Richardson Cafeteria
Photo of Lindsey Robinson Lindsey Robinson Cafeteria
Photo of Relda Sorenson Relda Sorenson Cafeteria
Photo of Tiesa Taufalele Tiesa Taufalele Cafeteria
Photo of Holly Taylor Holly Taylor Cafeteria Manager