Interested in running for student body officer? Check out the dates and deadlines below, as well as the promotional video from our current 8th and 9th grade SBO’s.
August 23 – 27: Applications available in the Main Office
August 31: Applications, questionnaire, poster examples, and video outline due to Mr. Fife in Room 406 by 3 pm.
September 2 – 8: Posters up in the cafeteria and hallways – You need to get Mr. Fife’s approval before hanging your posters.
September 8: Primary elections (if needed). 8 students move on. Mandatory meeting at the end of the day for the results for all applicants. Interview sign-ups start if moving on. You will have only ONE interview.
September 10: Interviews after school.
September 13: Videos are due to Mr. Fife by 3 pm.
September 14: Final Elections – Winners will be notified at the end of the day in the library. School-wide announcement of winners will be at the end of the day or the following morning.
SBO Advisor Contact Information: Mr. Fife, – Room 406