COVID-19 Registration Skylert Wally the Wapiti

Skylert: First Day Reminders

Just a few last-minute reminders and answers to common questions for everyone:

Start Dates and First Day Information

School starts for 7th graders on Monday from 7:50 – 11:50 am. School starts for 8th and 9th graders (and continues for 7th graders) on Tuesday from 7:50 am – 2:50 pm. A schedule for which lunch you have can be found here, and will be reviewed on your first day before lunch.

Maps of the school will be given to students who need one as they arrive. For security reasons, we are not allowed to post them online or send them out via Skylert. We’ll also have adults on hand to help students find their classes.

If your student arrives at school prior to 7:30 am, they will need to wait outside. After 7:30 am, they can go to the cafeteria, or to their 1st period class. Students should not linger in the hallway and will be encouraged to head straight to the cafeteria or a classroom.


Schedules should be reviewed today or tomorrow before coming to school. They may have changed since you last looked at them. If your schedule has an issue, please use email to contact a counselor. This greatly speeds up the process. Please do not come in to meet with the counselor unless they request it. Your student should attend the scheduled classes while the issue is sorted out. You can download the Skyward app to review your schedule and much more on the go.

Online/Virtual Courses

If you are taking online courses, please be patient as we get things off the ground. You may be taking a class from a teacher at another school in the district. If you are taking a virtual ALPS, DLI, or AP course, you will be participating in the in-person course through virtual means. We have plans to maximize your involvement, but it will take a bit to hone the process.


Chromebooks for online students can be picked up Monday from 12:00 – 2:50 pm. Students taking any in-person classes will get their Chromebooks on Tuesday during 1st period. You cannot get a Chromebook if you have not completed Skyward registration.


Per the Utah Department of Health and the governor’s office, masks are required in all Utah schools. All exemptions require a completed and verified mask exemption form, which can be found at This FAQ was just released last week, and provides more specifics on many of the most common questions.

While masks are not required when outside, please remember that is only the case when you can stay 6 feet from others. If you’re outside and within 6 feet, you still need a mask. This applies to eating and drinking as well. The mask should only come off for eating and drinking when you can be at least 6 feet from others.

Checking Out Your Student, Confirming Absences via Skyward

Students can now be checked in and out via Skyward. Visit the main page of our school website for instructions. You are now also able to guardian excuse absences without calling in. If you are checking out your student, enter the attendance via Skyward (via app or website), bring in your ID when you arrive, and then wait in your car for your student. It should speed up the process greatly, as well as require less time in the building for you as a parent.


We have worked closely with the state, district, and other schools to develop a safety plan. That plan can be found here, as well as on our website. Our priorities as we start school again will be to keep students spread out, masks on, and be kind to each other. We couldn’t be more excited to be back, and we want to stay in school. Right now, this is the best way to do it.

Quarantine FAQ’s

Each positive COVID-19 case will be reviewed in cooperation with the health department. Currently, if you are within 6 feet of someone who tests positive for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more within 48 hours of them testing positive or showing symptoms, you will be required to stay home for 14 days (10 school days). A negative test result does not shorten that timeframe, and face masks, plexiglass, and other factors do not change those numbers. If you go home sick with COVID-like symptoms, you will likewise be required to stay home for 10 days from symptom onset and go 24 hours without a fever before returning to school regardless of whether or not you decide to be tested. More on this Salt Lake County requirement can be found here. If a student is working from home during quarantine, we will do everything possible to ensure they are able to participate as fully as possible while they are at home.

Back-to-School Videos

Now that schedules are mostly finalized, you may want to revisit our back-to-school videos. They can be found here.

One Last Thing

Being a Wapiti means being safe, being kind, and being responsible. This mindset is what we try to instill in our students, and we hope that as we launch this adventure together, we can continue to enjoy working with a community that is likewise safe, kind, and responsible. Thank you for all that you do. We truly couldn’t do it without you. Please be patient if things take a little longer, and as we hit bumps along the way.

It’s a great day to be a Wapiti!

COVID-19 Skylert Wally the Wapiti

Skylert: Schedules, Chromebook Checkout

Schedules have been released on Skyward. HOWEVER, they are still changing and we encourage you to look at them on the first day of school for your student. If your student has a smartphone, they can download the Skyward app and see the most up-to-date schedule that day. Again, schedules are NOT final and looking at them now can give you a general idea, but expect some changes.

Please wait to call the office with questions about schedules, as information has not been finalized. We will have staff on hand each day with schedules, maps, etc. to make sure kids get where they need to go.

Chromebooks for in-person and hybrid students will be handed out during 1st period on Tuesday.

Chromebooks for online only students will be available for checkout tomorrow (Friday) from 9 am until 12 pm and Monday from 12 pm until 2:30 pm. If you are unavailable during those times, you can come in next week during school hours starting Tuesday.

If you would like to bring your student to visit the school, we ask that you watch our back-to-school videos and let them be oriented with the rest of the 7th graders on Monday. Hours for 7th grade orientation will be from 7:50 am until 11:50 am. Buses will run normal routes.

Lockers will be made available to students, but students will be asked to only use them when necessary for things like a coat.

Students arriving at school prior to 7:30 will be asked to stay outside and distance. Doors at the front and back of the school will be open at 7:30 am. We ask that any student entering the building prior to 7:40 am either go directly to the cafeteria or to their 1st period classroom. Students should not be entering the building before 7:30 am.

Thank you all for your patience, and we can’t wait to see your students next week! Stay safe out there.

COVID-19 Skylert Wally the Wapiti

Skylert: Back-to-School Night, COVID Precautions

One week left! School starts for 7th graders on August 24th, and for everyone else on August 25th. We are excited to share the following updates, and ask that you check our website for updates as the week progresses.

Memory Books

This will come as no surprise, but memory books still elude us. There is virtually no way we don’t give them out at school at this point, so if there’s an upside, that’s one less separate trip to the school you’ll need to take!

Back-to-School Night/Site

Our back-to-school night will be held virtually. We’ve collected videos from all of our teachers, and are adding more for the attendance office, etc. over the next few days. Go here to check them out and get to know your teachers!

COVID-19 Precautions & Assurances

In addition to the state and district reopening plans, we have a wide variety of school-specific precautions and information to share. You can find the current version of the assurances on the homepage of our website as well as download a copy below.


As you know from district communication, schedules will be released later this week once all students and teachers in online, mixed, or in-person classes have been finalized. If you see a counselor or our registrar, don’t hug them, but feel free to tell them you would if you could.

Visiting the School?

If you’re considering a visit, just remember to ask yourself if it could be conducted over the phone. We love to see you, but with current guidelines, we appreciate it when we can handle business over the phone. Once school starts, we’ll even make it so you can just check your student out via Skyward online and only have to show ID when you get to the school.


If you haven’t already completed registration online via Skyward, please do so ASAP. This applies to all Elk Ridge students, whether online, mixed, or in-person.


Please see this page for a message from our math department.

COVID-19 Registration Skylert Wally the Wapiti

Skylert: Back-to-School Night, Registration Reminder

Only two weeks to go!

Teachers are back in the building, and we are excited to work on bringing all of you back to school in the safest way possible. Here are this week’s highlights:

  • Memory books still haven’t shipped. Still no update from Lifetouch, and it’s realistically looking like we’ll be getting those out to students while they are at school.
  • ERMS Registration in Skyward is now open. Read this post and visit our registration page for more information. You’ll also find information there about joining our school community council and PTSA student ambassadors. Student government elections will be held after school gets underway.
  • Back-to-School Night will be virtual, and open longer than just one night. We’ll send out the link as a Skylert, but you’ll be able to see brief videos from teachers, staff, and processes at the school all in one place. We won’t launch it until after schedules are finalized so that you know which teachers to virtually visit.
  • Here’s a recap of the major points from last week:
    • The start of school has been delayed a week for students
      • August 24th for 7th graders (half day)
      • August 25th for 8th & 9th graders (7th graders come this day as well)
      • If you would like to request busing and are not currently in an area where busing is provided, you must contact the school to request a space available permit by August 14th
    • The district plan can be found here. The most important points are:
      • Students can learn completely online, partly online, or in-person
        • Requests for online and partial schedules were due July 31st
        • If you are coming in-person only, you did not need to request anything or fill out the form
      • Fridays will be for intervention, enrichment, planning, etc. Students will be able to come in-person between 9:50 am – 12:30 pm (likely by appointment) to work with teachers in small groups. Virtual appointments can also be made in the afternoon between 1:00 pm -2:50 pm.
      • School will be in-person M-Th
  • We will be releasing a summary of school-specific COVID-related assurances soon. All school plans will fit within state and district guidelines, but will offer more specifics. With teachers back in the building, more of the answers are starting to crystalize.
  • We have a new website (same address) with much more of this information in much greater detail.

Thank you for all of your questions so far. If you want to send us a question, just reply to this email or send it to and we’ll get you an answer. We have also started a FAQ page on the website for common questions and answers. Don’t see a question you need, just submit it and we’ll find out. 

For now, start setting your alarm clocks a bit earlier each day to condition out the summer sleep-ins. See you soon!

COVID-19 Registration Wally the Wapiti

ERMS Registration Opens August 5th (All Students)

Now that the dust is settling on state and district plans, we are geared up to start registration at the school level. There’s a more detailed explanation here, but registration as a process means you choose courses in the spring, agree to disclosures and pay fees in Skyward in the late summer & early fall, and then finish anything course-specific at the school in person around when school starts.

When we say registration, at this point we mean the part when you get on Skyward. This will be where you set up contact methods, review district and school documents like Chromebook agreements, and take care of any fees or lunch payments.

This process will open August 5th and run past the start of school. Please visit our registration page if you have any questions and log in via Skyward to get started.

Your schedule is normally released once you’ve paid all fees and agreed to all necessary documents. This year, however, there will be a slight delay while we work through the schedules for those requesting fully or partly online schedules. We’ll post another update once schedules are released.

COVID-19 Registration Wally the Wapiti

School & Registration Delayed

The JSD School Board voted last night (7/28/20) to delay the start of school for one week in order to give schools more time to prepare for online, hybrid, and in-person options. This means a few important things:

  • Registration in Skyward has been bumped back into next week (the first week of August). More to come.
  • Requesting an online or hybrid schedule still needs to be done by July 31st.
  • Teachers and staff still start back on the same schedule as previously announced.
  • School will start for 7th graders on August 24th and for 8th and 9th graders on August 25th.

Letter Sent to Parents 7/29/20

Dear Parents and Employees, 

Last night, the Jordan School District Board of Education voted in their public meeting to approve a reopening plan for the 2020-21 school year. Most aspects of the plan emailed to employees and families last week have not changed. The following changes to the draft plan were approved by the Board:

  • Students will start school one week later than originally scheduled. Please see the updated calendar here: Revised 2020-2021 School Calendars 
  • The first day of work for employees has not changed. The first teacher contract day is August 10. This means teachers will have five additional days of preparation before students return to school.
  • Students can request virtual, online learning each quarter instead of each semester. The first quarter will end on October 16.

School will still be held in person Monday-Thursday and at home (or optional at school) on Friday as originally approved. Students can also choose to learn virtually online instead of attending school in person. 

Families: Parents will soon receive registration information from their child’s school. All parents, including those who enroll their students in virtual, online learning, will need to complete their child’s school registration. The deadline for students to sign up for virtual online classes is Friday, July 31, at midnight. A video explaining the program can be viewed here: Virtual Online Learning Video   If you are interested, please enroll each student in your family separately using this link: Form for Virtual Online Learning for the 2020-21 School Year  

If you have questions before signing up for virtual, online learning, please send an email to We will answer your question within 24 hours. 

Employees: The initial deadline to submit a request to work from home is July 31 at midnight. Requests should be submitted through Skyward Employee Access. Instructions can be found here: Work-from-Home Request TUTORIAL

If you have questions before requesting the opportunity to work from home, please send an email to  

An updated version of the detailed plan will be sent to all employees and families soon. Thank you for your support as we prepare to reopen schools next month.

COVID-19 Registration Wally the Wapiti

Draft of District Reopening Plan

An email went out to all parents in the district yesterday. We’re posting it here for students coming to us from out of the district, and just in case anyone missed it.

A couple of things to call out:

First, it’s a draft, and therefore subject to change.

Second, you must respond in the linked survey if you would like any of your courses to be virtual. Please read it carefully, respond by July 31st if you’re looking at virtual or hybrid schedules, and reach out if you have questions. That survey is listed below, or can be found here.

Things are starting to roll!

Dear Parents,

We hope you are enjoying a safe and healthy summer. We know that there are many questions in anticipation of the coming school year. A link to a copy of the tentative plan for reopening schools that will be voted on by the Board of Education in their meeting on July 28 can be found below.

Student safety and options for families are among the Board’s highest priorities as we establish a plan for reopening schools. To that end, we are proud to announce the opportunity for all students in Jordan School District to attend school in a virtual, online format from home. This option is available for students in every grade K-12 and will involve daily interaction with teachers.

We invite you to watch the video at the link below which explains what virtual online learning would look like for your student.

If you would like your child to enroll in virtual learning for the 2020-21 school year, please visit the link below. A request must be completed for each child. Students who sign up for virtual learning will have the choice to return to learning in person for second semester. Registration is due by July 31.

Important Information About the Virtual Learning Options:

  • Students who choose to enroll in the K-12 virtual learning options will also stay enrolled in their current boundary or permit school. Connections to your home school can still be maintained through counselors, administration, and mentors.
  • Secondary students can choose to take some classes in person and some classes virtually.
  • Students enrolled in virtual learning will have daily interaction with teachers.
    • Teachers will have scheduled office hours to answer questions.
    • Teachers will have scheduled instructional times that can also be recorded for later viewing.
  • Services through Special Education will be provided either through your local school special education staff or through an online special education teacher, depending on needs and enrollment numbers.
  • Dual Language Immersion (DLI) students will have the option to participate in the target language portion of their day online through live broadcasting of classes or in person, even if the English part of their day is taken virtually.
  • ALPS classes will be available virtually in all grades.
  • K-8 Jordan School District teachers will be providing the virtual instruction for students assigned to their courses. Core courses in the areas of reading, writing, math and science were specially developed by JSD teachers over the summer. These courses follow the Utah Standards and Jordan District expectations for students.
    • Canvas will be used as the Learning Management System for these courses to provide for a consistent tool. 
    • Teachers may use other tools to supplement their learning styles, but the main courses will be outlined in Canvas.
  • 9-12 students will continue to have options to enroll in a variety of virtual courses in order to fulfill their graduation requirements. Some courses will be taught by JSD teachers working from home, others will be taught by already existing online program options. 
    • Core classes as well as a variety of elective courses are available.
    • Every elective course may not be available online.
    • Additional mentoring support can be provided to help students with individual needs.

Questions regarding virtual online education from Jordan School District can be sent to (K-6) or (7-12).

COVID-19 Wally the Wapiti

No ETA on Memory Books

Well, it’s been a few weeks since we last updated everyone on memory books. There’s a good reason, namely that we don’t really have any updates. Lifetouch assures us they are doing everything they can to get them to us ASAP, but that term has come to mean less ‘as soon as possible’ and more ‘as soon as possible but with no real idea of whether or not it will actually be soon at all.’

That said, we’re still crossing our fingers (which is starting to hurt because they’ve been crossed for so long), and we’ll absolutely keep you posted the second we hear anything.

Until then, keep your chins up, your noses clean, and your systems free of viral infections. We miss you all, and look forward to the new school year. Whatever it brings, at least it brings us forward together.

COVID-19 Wally the Wapiti

Memory Books Still Haven’t Shipped

Memory books have understandably been delayed due to COVID-19. We will post the dates of distribution as soon as we hear that they’ve shipped. They ship once a week on Mondays, and we usually hear on Tuesday if ours ended up on that week’s shipment.

Funny story; we actually thought they had arrived a week or so ago when a delivery truck pulled up and told us he had a few pallets of yearbooks for us. We all got hyped as he brought the pallet to the lift, but it turns out they were for Elk Meadows. And they weren’t memory books.

That was around the time we had a small dumpster fire, so better days have been had, but we’re hanging on with all of you. We’ll keep you posted when we get word that they’ve shipped.

Fingers crossed. Stay safe out there.